Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni receives Argentina’s President Javier Milei in Rome.
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Hi VOA. Please can you read the new educational book called 'The Replacement People of the Bible', and see what the rabbis and priests have been hiding for thousands of years about Prophet Muhammad being prophesied in the Old Testament. Also, how the Muslims got the West out of the Dark Ages, which the Western educational institutions are hiding from people.
Can't wait for Trump to join them! MEGA! Earth was once great, hard to believe.
Asylum Home build just in case 😅
MEGA, Make Earth Great Again or Make Everyone Great Again, which ever you prefer. Our society has lost its way with all the distractions that are put in front of us on a daily basis. These distractions have allowed many issues to crop up and go unsolved, until the position is untenable. These crisis are indeed ones that can derail our pursuit of happiness permanently if we do not start staring the issues in the eyes and tackle them as though our lives depend on it. Because our lives do depend on it. I view our beloved US Constitution as a blueprint for the world. All people are endowed with freedoms, and rights that are birthrights given to us by our creator, whatever your beliefs. Its unfortunate that the people that our country has elected over the years have used this document in order to maneuver throughout our bloated beauacracy in order to create more laws that in fact take the rights away from us that the said document gives us, while at the same time using EO to bypass our Congress and Senate to do things to other countries that are detrimental to that country in the immediate, and far future. This is not how our country was founded nor was it founded on. We have had leaders in the US come along that are populists, wanting to dramatically overhaul the day to day operations of a routine that is scavaged by lobbyists, corruption, greed, ignorance, and malice. This is the problem for those clentching onto power. Their legacies and grip on the psyche of worldwide institutions is being ripped away due to the advent of the new media, and the continued obvious lying of the establishment media. They themselves have been snared up in the type of oversight that is in place in order to prevent these issues from ever arrising however with the cooperation of the legacy media, the average citizen who is bogged down with family and work do not have the time to go out and confirm whether or not the stories being pushed out are in fact true and honest. Our media has been allowed to push false narratives due to the fact that 10 years ago the Smith-Mundt act was modernized in Congress and the Senate allowing news agencies as well as WH Press briefings to be full of propaganda, and this act madenit legal to do so when before it was illegal to do so. And now we even have "Fact Checkers" which is nothing more than a PR trick in order to reinforce the propaganda and narrative being driven down by the mockingbirds behind the desk. This has caused great confusion amongst citizens because they assume the stories they are hearing are not only true but important. The new pioneers that have fortunately been able to thrive in the past ten years have saved us from becoming a slave to the narrative. We have multiple ways in order to set up our own research projects that allow us to compare notes and decide for ourselves whaf is true and what isnt. The new leaders that are starting to rise in popularity and power in Argentina, in Italia, in the US, in El Salvador, in Iran, in Hungary, in India, in Japan, are leading the way into this new Millennium. They have set examples for the people on how one should look out for their nation's security, economy, sovereignty, healthcare, etc. This is why they have been met with so much push back from the old guard. These new leaders, except a couple, are young, and have new ideas on how to carry their people forward. Not all the ideas work, not all the people they have chosen to help are correct, however their hearts are in the right place, and they all will do their best to keep their countries from experiencing continued hardship due to corruption, and or incompetence. God Bless everyone no matter what your beliefs are, and lets work together to get these wars ended, and lets work together to root out policies that are not good domestically or overseas. We need to toughen up because you never know what the next day is going to being. The year is on its way out, so lets enjoy our Families, Friends, and Countrymen. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all.
They would make a powerhouse couple 😉