Giorgia Meloni pays homage to Indian worker Satnam Singh, who died in Italy; calls it inhuman act’

Giorgia Meloni pays homage to Indian worker Satnam Singh, who died in Italy; calls it inhuman act’

In a tragic incident, a 31-year-old Indian casual worker in Italy died tragically after he was dumped on the road without medical assistance by his employer after his arm was severed by heavy farm machinery. Satnam Singh was injured by heavy machinery while working in a vegetable field in Lazio, near Rome, on Monday.

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  1. Meanwhile Toadie Modi doesn’t say a peep! If Sikhs had their own country, they would have voice in international incidents like this. They wouldn’t have to escape the Hindu fascist persecution to build better lives for themselves. Khalistan is the only solution for Sikhs.

  2. Is India a free country ? Ambanis go there for celebrating marriage in a grand scale and Satnam sings die miserable death in the same country. Satnams send 100 billions to India. Ambabis take away more to the West. India failed in every thing . We never had freedom ,we had transferred of power from British master to its stooges. In Quater 100s of Indian burned alive. Who cares ? Why do they have to die a horroundous death far away from own land ? India is not ours.

  3. Blood of people has gone white considering the life of fellow human beings cheaper than wild animals. What a sad state of affairs. Employer’s first reaction should have been to take him immediately to the hospital for help and let the hospital folks know that he was an illegal worker and employer can’t pay the medical bills. That could have been sorted out later but instead chose to further humiliate him by leaving him in excruciating painful death. Horrible,horrible. RIP.

  4. It s a horrible incident and labor circumstance but what i don't understand is why all these immigrants still chose to go while they supposedly have an internet access back home to search for real situation of their destination before immigrating…