Visiting Beijing: Italy’s Meloni Signs Deal To ‘Relaunch’ Ties With China | World News | ET Now


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has embarked on a significant four-day visit to China, aiming to reset diplomatic relations following Italy’s withdrawal from Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This decision, formally communicated to China last December, has raised concerns among Italian businesses about potential Chinese retaliation. Nonetheless, Meloni has stressed Italy’s commitment to fostering “mutually beneficial” relations with China. This visit takes place against a backdrop of global uncertainty and escalating tensions between China and the West. Meloni has consistently maintained a cautious stance towards China, criticizing its trade practices and highlighting the risks associated with Europe’s over-reliance on Chinese companies in key supply chains. Her previous critiques of China’s human rights record are also under scrutiny as she makes this diplomatic effort. Stay tuned to understand more about Meloni’s strategic move to stabilize ties with China and its broader geopolitical implications. #meloni #georgiameloni #russia #biden #beijing #china #etnow #budget2024 #unionbudget2024 #businessnews #livebusinessnews #sharemarket #stockmarket #englishnews #trending #topnews

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RispondiAnnulla risposta

  1. That is not High Stake. To Italy, China is nothing, that was why they dropped off the BRI programme. Stop making a fuzz out of this. EU is fine, they can always print more money and they are much more superior than Asia. Why worry?

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