Incontro di Giorgia Meloni con il Presidente eletto del Consiglio europeo.

Incontro di Giorgia Meloni con il Presidente eletto del Consiglio europeo.

Incontro con il Presidente eletto del Consiglio europeo.
Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha ricevuto oggi a Palazzo Chigi il Presidente eletto del Consiglio Europeo, António Costa.



  1. Su questo canale nn sj vedono commenti se nn pro Giorgia…nn sara che tutti gli altri vengano cancellati? Nn sia mai che a qualcuno venga qualche dubbio. (Cancella finto patriota, censura, arriverà il tempo anche per voi, e Renzi ne è un esempio!ah poi però lasciamo questo. Allora : abbasso Israele w la Palestina!


  3. Lollobrigida è quello che ha fatto fermare il treno uso taxi privato ahahah e il marito della sorella mamma mia che squallore . In Sicilia c'è la siccità è un bel casino nelle vasche di raccolta acqua condominiali si può formare il colera è un bel guaio

  4. ❤️❤️❤️ From Kharkiv. Ukraine. With love.

    Donna Presidente, I don't afraid bombs or rockets (missiles) anymore. Because. Of You. Today rockets (missiles) fall (shelling) in Kharkiv again. But I'm don't fear. Because I think about You. It's making me crazy.

    Maybe You will think what a kidding or stupid joke or something. But that real. If i don't feel that so strong, I'll never write here this message.

    Since 7th of June I like mad. During that day You were in Verona. On Verona Arena in evening. City of Romeo and Juliet! In fantastic Una belissima green dress. I'd gotten crazy. I don't understand what happened with me. It's like a hurricane, storm, nuclear bombing! ❤

    Donna Presidente. I know You love Italy first, and Italian champions and winners. I began to study the Italian language. Like no-one language before in my life. I have one dream now. Became Italian sports champion or third Great Italian Poet after Dante and Petrarca. ❤

    I feel sometimes now like Scuadra Adzzura at Mundial '82 in Spain. It's not realistic it's not true? – but that's what i feel. I feel like a Winner, like Champion. I can't explain but I feel. I dream for one abbriacci in Palazzo Chigi. That my best, I only dream now. ❤

    Forgive me Donna Presidente for this "coming out". I don't understand what I must do now. It's so strong inside me. Wave of love. ❤

    I don't understand what's going. I think i never fall in love like that in life. And You Girl of my dream. I don't understand how this happens. But my heart feels – that's true. Only true feelings what I have in my life now. Thank you, Giorgia for two months in Heaven! ❤

    (In competition with Dante and Petrarca I'd written 8-9 poetrys in June and July. About You, Love and Italy).❤❤❤

  5. Sempre servile con Israele.

    Pavida e incoerente.

    Abbiamo perso anche la commissione per il Mediterraneo.
    Ceduta alla Spagna.

    Ora mi chiedo ,che futuro abbiamo?

    Con i paesi del nord Europa che continuamente ci rimproverano per direttive surreali nei nostri confronti.

    Con la Russia ,la Cina e il medio oriente che non ci calcolano proprio, o meglio ci considerano paese satellite usa .
    Che valore ha il mio paese ?

    Che posizione ci ha messo Draghi ,Letta e Renzi ?
    Quanti accordi loschi abbiamo seppelliti ?
    Come ha fatto lei a liberare Chico Forti?

    Perché Assange è stato così tanto tempo carcerato?

    E come la Salis senza il suo diretto intervento è riuscita a tornare in Italia ? E addirittura entrare in parlamento europeo?

    C'è qualcuno che comanda più di lei in Italia ? Premier di leadership?

    Un ragazzo italiano vero di 29 anni.😢

  6. A madre cristianaaaaa….hai accolto e dato la mano ad Erzog. Ti sei dimenticata che aveva baciato le bombe dove aveva scritto "io credo in te" …e che quelle bombe,qualche minuto dopo avrebbero AMMAZZATO BAMBINI PALESTINESI ?alcuni di loro gattonavano… Ora che fate? Cancellate il post? Mi denunciate x villipedio? Fate pure,a questi punti,io posdo sempre guardarmi allo specchio….VOI NO. E pensare che ti ho pure votata…

  7. On. Meloni, provengo da una cultura politica di destra e da sempre ho votato centro destra. Orgoglioso e fiero di essere finalmente rappresentato da Lei dall'Ottobre 2022. Ho cominciato a perdere la fiducia quando ho cominciato a vedere che il suo entourage si riempiva di parenti ed amici, Quando Lollobrigida, ubriaco inconsapevole di potere, si è sfrontatamente permesso di imporre ad un treno una fermata non prevista, ho cominciato seriamente a dubitare che le cose in Italia sarebbero davvero cambiate. Le Banche andavano ipertassate, Amazon, Google, Twitter ecc. andavano tassati con gli stessi criteri di tassazione previsti per i cittadini italiani. Toti andava tutelato, sostenuto e difeso ad oltranza costringendo i magistrati interessati a produrre con immediatezza le prove necessarie ad un mandato di carcerazione come quello emanato. L'elenco dei fatti deludenti è lungo. Una cosa però è certa, non darò mai più il voto a FdI. Grazie per aver deluso

    Giorgia Meloni, had violated important United Nations principles & approved certain unfavorable policies, that tend to dramatically affect Italian citizens jobs wages & bring benefits, for hidden group of interests.
    More than 7 millions of employees, from Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, had taken Italian jobs because Giorgia Meloni, has not enough political experience, that can permit her, to implement specific programs, designed to discourage the uncontrolled exodus of workers, from Romania, Bulgaria & Croatia, to Italy.
    Due to the situation gravity, Giorgia Meloni electors, shall take into consideration.
    Illegal immigrants, don't have the right to work in Italy. Therefore, they have zero chances, to take Italian employees jobs.
    Instead, employees from Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, are allowed to work & take Italian employees jobs. Due to the situation gravity, since her first day in office, Giorgia Meloni had obligation, to act with the purpose, to protect Italian employees jobs & their right to receive decent wages.
    In such a purpose, she had obligation, to create occupations, related to the promotion of Italian tourism, business & investment opportunities, educational programs & advantages to pay & study in Italy. Giorgia Meloni had also obligation, to create jobs linked to know how transfer events, that could be combined with precisely tourism programs, because like that, 7 millions of employees, from Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, couldn't take Italian employees jobs.
    That is obvious, because as long as they should be involved in the above refered projects, they couldn't work in another sector where they could take Italians jobs. Because of that, since Giorgia Meloni, first day in office, she had obligation to creat jobs, linked to the promotion of Italian tourism, business & investment opportunities, educational programs & advantages to pay & study in Italy, because of the following reality; An employee from Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, is capable to promote Italian interests, in the 3 above refered countries, better than an Italian, who is born & lives in Italy.
    Because of that, as I already said, since her first day in office, Giorgia Meloni, had obligation to concept projects & programs, that could permit employees from Bulgaria, Croatia & Romania, to attract billions of euros from abroad & create more than 7 millions of jobs.
    That was one of the first method, that that Giorgia Meloni, could use, to legally, protect, more than 7 millions Italian jobs.
    Since Giorgia Meloni does not have, enough political experience, she didn't act with the purpose to defend the interests of more than 7 millions Italian employees. As a dramatically consequence, a relative big number of Italians, don't have a job, and others have been receiving a miserable wage. In fact, due to the lack of Giorgia Meloni political experience, the vast majority of Italians employees, have been exploited.
    The ones who have been taking benefit from their hard work, use to tell them. If you don't accept the miserable wages, that I am offering you and the horrible working conditions, I am going to give the job, for an employee from Romania, Bulgaria or Croatia.
    Given that, you have to pay loans, to the banks, if you don't accept to be exploited, you may lose your home.
    Because of that, whenever Giorgia Meloni, may present data, about employment, that is a bad news,
    because as long as she did not create jobs, related to the promotion of Italian tourism, business opportunities, educational programs, know how transfer events associated with the use of Romanian, Bulgarian & Croatia language, whenever an Italian job is available, for an Italian employee, that means, the applicant will become victm of exploitation.
    Instead, if Giorgia Meloni was an experienced politician & she had expertise in what she could do to protect the interest of Italian employees, things were different, because Italians could receive a decent wage. Unfortunately, in
    this moment, instead an Italian employee receive a fairly salary, he is exploited& there is nothing he can do about that, because if he doesn't accept to receive miserable wages, his exploiters shall give the job for an employee from Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia.
    Due to the situation gravity, Giorgia Meloni has obligation, to start from today, to create jobs related to
    promotion of Italian tourism, business & investment opportunities, educational programs & advantages to pay & study in Italy.
    Giorgia Meloni has also the obligation to concept million of several other jobs linked to research, innovation, know how transfer events, combined with precisely tourism programs.
    In order to motivate millions of employees from Bulgaria, Croatia Romania who had taken Italian jobs, to occupy the new jobs that shall be created , Giorgia Meloni has obligation, to carry on precisely projects that can permit the use of Romanian, Bulgarian Croatia language.
    In parallel with that Giorgia Meloni has obligation to implement other projects in partnership with precisely authorities, institutions & companies in Romania, Bulgaria Croatia and motivate a certain parte of the employees who had taken Italian jobs, to return to Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia & get involved in the respective projects.
    In such a purpose, Giorgia Meloni & her partners from Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, must proceed in the following mode
    1) Create at least 30k jobs, in Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, that can be paid with more than 3.000 euros
    2) Concept important economic activities, that can permit the ones who have taken Italian jobs, to win money, while participating in Romania, Bulgaria Croatia, in the healthy & cognitive development, of their kids.
    3) Create from the scratch an educational program that can permit kids to study, in Romania, Bulgaria, & Croatia both in Italian, English & their native language.
    4) Build a city in Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, from the scratch, according to the new life style, that the ones who had taken Italian jobs, had got used in Italy & permit the ones who may return from Italy to purchase luxurious apartments, with more than 30% discount.
    The good news is that the city that can be built in Romania & croatia shall be located close to the area where Fincantieri group is operating

    that can permit her to implement the above refered projects, instead she create jobs that could enable Italy to attract billions of dollars from abroad, she permited more than 7 millions of employees from Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia to take Italian employees jobs, & transform their lifes in a damn night mare.

    According to important United Nations principles, in a moment when criminality & corruption, are relative high, in specific regions , any irresponsible government who may give more power, to local authorities, has the intention, to help hidden group of interest, who have been benefiting from corruption & criminality in the respective regions, to obtain more controle in the respective regions & obtain more illicit benefits.

  9. È a norma Nazionale (o legale) almeno questo? O siete ancora i soliti dal fianco scoperto in cui 'stranieri' s'infilano poi per fot**rvi, come sempre??
    Avete almeno rispettato solo la volontà dei Figli, di un berlusconi? O rispettato l'Italia reale che non vuole perdere tempo in una banalissima partita di calcio, come non gliene frega nulla di comprarsi casa in un 'oasi protetta' tipo Milano 2???

  10. Buongiorno Presidente Giorgia!Sta facendo un ottimo lavoro!Per contrastare chi ci vuole sudditi dell'Europa.
    Non è una cosa mia personale ma anche generale.Potete riformare e controllare le società di recupero faccio anche il nome come l'L'IIFIIS di Firenze e Mestre che rovinano la gente con avvocati senza morale e scrupoli.Perche attività così dovrebbero avere delle regole non aggressive.grazie.❤