‘My name is Joe Kennedy’: Italian TV savagely mocks Joe Biden in yet another comedy skit

‘My name is Joe Kennedy’: Italian TV savagely mocks Joe Biden in yet another comedy skit

US President Joe Biden has been the subject of another mocking comedy skit by the Italian TV show ‘Fratelli di Crozza’.

In the video, a Biden impersonator walked to a podium to deliver a speech before he fell over and was picked up by handlers.

After ‘Biden’ is picked up by the secret service agents in the skit, he begins speaking but calls himself “Joe Kennedy” before being corrected.

The Biden impersonator also confuses world leaders and refers to Germany’s chancellor as “the great Schwarzenegger”.

This is the second time Italian TV has savagely mocked Biden, with them only recently poking fun at the President’s mental acuity.

In the original video, the Biden impersonator walked aimlessly past a podium before accidentally pressing the nuclear button.



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  1. Tra Biden e Trump l'America non è in grado di esprimere un candidato piu givane e preparato , ma solo questi due relitti umani e questo il meglio che hanno da offrire a loro stessi e al mondo? Il mondo cambia e gli unici che non ne sono al corrente sono gli americani e i loro presidenti . Un paese che si nutre ancora di patriottismo e bandiere e poi non ha un minimo di assistenza sanitaria ne tanto meno un minimo di assistenza sociale x i più deboli della società . Una società egocentrica basata sull ' egoismo . Dio salvi l'America ma da loro stessi .

  2. I think in this skit there is no disrespect to the USA , not at all – ( though politically not correct ) also it's not critic to democrat party because Crozza made a very savage skit about Trump too – I think you should see it as a warning : Biden is too old to be president again – and the nomination of Kamala Harris proves that Crozza was right …. in Italy too Crozza makes skit of both right wing and left wing politicians – when they say something STRANGE or weird …( which happens often ,,, ) as an italian I can definitely say it is NOT disrespect to the USA -and not disrespect to THE President of the USA , just mocks THIS President – me personally I liked much Joe Biden as president , although I am not the equivalent of a "democrat" in my country