President Meloni’s message for the presentation of INAIL’s annual report

Dear Mr President,

the presentation of INAIL’s annual report is a valuable opportunity to learn more about the rate of workplace accidents and occupational diseases and to analyse statistics on this phenomenon, which play a crucial role in guiding prevention policies.

The Government has made workplace health and safety a top priority of its work, starting from its discussions with employers’ organisations and trade unions, because synergy between institutions, social partners, workers and companies is key to spreading a culture of prevention, thereby reducing workplace accidents and occupational illnesses.

The Government’s strategy is to have greater prevention, more inspections and harsher penalties for rule-breakers, and this has been given concrete form in the various measures taken so far.

We have provided for the recruitment of 1,600 more workplace inspectors with the goal of significantly increasing the number of inspections carried out. 

The so-called ‘credits-based licence’ for the building industry came into force on 1 October. This important new initiative not only monitors health and safety conditions on worksites but also provides incentives to improve them, rewarding upstanding companies and sanctioning those that are not. We have encouraged companies to improve their workers’ health and safety conditions, also by earmarking greater resources for the ‘ISI’ incentives for this purpose, up from EUR 333 million in 2022 to EUR 500 million in 2024.

Furthermore, we have taken action with regard to both administrative and criminal sanctions, making the unlawful supply of labour an offence again. This offence had been decriminalised in the past but has since been found to be the one that has grown the most over time.

Today’s event also provides us with an opportunity to begin reflecting on INAIL’s future and the challenges it faces to strengthen its mission. I am referring to: the contribution the institute can offer to updating existing legislation and making it more effective and more in line with the changing world of work; strengthening prevention efforts, rewarding companies that invest in health and safety; improving social and healthcare services; enhancing research by implementing synergies with European and international networks; and, promoting a culture of health and safety, which is unfortunately still not sufficiently widespread.

With this in mind, I am convinced that also addressing the topic of workplace health and safety in schools can be an effective tool to raise citizens’ awareness of their rights, duties and the protection mechanisms in place for workers.

Workplace health and safety is not a cost; it is every worker’s right. Guaranteeing that right is a permanent priority requiring everyone’s active involvement. INAIL has always played a decisive role, and I believe its expertise and professionalism can make the difference in building, together, an effective and shared national strategy to combat occupational health and safety incidents.

Thank you, and I wish you all the best with your work.

Giorgia Meloni

[Courtesy translation]


Leggi tutto l’articolo President Meloni’s message for the presentation of INAIL’s annual report è stato pubblicato il 2024-10-24 14:05:09 da fallegretti