Sky News host applauds Italian comedy sketch for ‘poking fun’ at Joe Biden

Sky News host applauds Italian comedy sketch for ‘poking fun’ at Joe Biden

Sky News Australia host James Morrow has applauded an Italian comedy sketch show for “poking fun” at US President Joe Biden.

“You may have noticed that many American comedians are still shying away from making fun of Joe Biden,” Mr Morrow said.

“Because, well, they want to get work in a Democrat-dominated Hollywood.

“Italians – they don’t have that problem.

“This has become a regular skit on this show.”



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  1. This italian comedian, named Crozza, is the main representant of ex comunists in italy, who still 70 years after WWII, blame america for not leting comunism in power in italy.
    they are extremly antiamericans and for sure paid by russia….so it s not so fun !

  2. Maurizio, Crozza is a comidian, comics, writer ecc.ecc. and he make fun most of the time of italian politics, and about actual politicy, no matter if is democratic or repubblican, left or right….If Trump will be the nex president of USA he will have fun over him too.

  3. LIARS for Putin. The entire Trump-Maga-Russian-Fox-Chinese campaign to overthrow democracy is a huge FRAUD and filled with one total lie after the other ad infinitum, always using fake doctored photoshopped footage of Biden to make him look "lost" and 20 years older and the opposite for Trump. They use AI and deep fakes plus old photos to make CONVICTED FELON FATSO TRUMP looking 80 pounds lighter and 20 years younger with the loving young Melania at his side. The reality of course is just the opposite. Trump is a fat obese old convicted felon with a hairpiece, plastic surgery, botox and makeup and Melania hates his guts.

    Plus, TRUMP HAS SERIOUS DEMENTIA AND MENTAL PROBLEMS. he never even makes sense anymore, he didn't even recognize his wife three times (textbook dementia like his father at the same age) and he replaces one name with another constantly, plus mixes up major history events, countries, presidents, t4hinks he is already dictator for life, loves all our enemies and hates all our friends, is totally corrupt and guilty of 100% of his many indictments, And basically as a wannabe dictator and candidate, he has lost it. Not Biden, but Trump, only trump plus RFK Jr is badly brain damaged from longterm crack and heroin addiction. and Jill Stein is another Russian agent. In fact they all are, everyone but Biden is fully backed by Russia and Maga billionaires, even the far left Cornel west.

  4. I do enjoy such a comedy . where is the American media like CNN & all other American Fake news medias & Hollywood actors
    who use to make fun comedy sketch of President Trump every day & night are they hiding
    know. cant they see that the world media is coming back to attack & bite them back in the form of their favourite Joe Biden
    this is called Karma
    The world should know how long years this is going on this man Joe is in unstable mind & who is running USA ?
    so called Fake CNN media & New York Times are answerable to the world
    Joe & the corrupt Democrat party is putting other countries into Danger because with Joe
    unstable mind he can just click the nuclear button which his fiery anger unstable mind

    the world should stand up & question Democrat party

  5. Maurizio Crozza is a great comedian, he is very left oriented, he has done some hilarious imitations of Trump too, and generally he mocks politicians of every kind. Don't think he is a supporter of Trump, because he is not.